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Water, Water Everywhere!


That is certainly true in our community! What better way to learn more about water safety then to have Marine Deputy Aaron Braddock come visit Safety Town with one of his Marine Rescue boats! What a great experience for our budding safety citizens. Today, many more campers were asking very good questions. We learned there is a thermal sensor (to aid finding people in ocean rescues) and a special light that any law enforcement can see in the dark, but the bad guys can't. The kids asked a lot of questions about gas and of course how fast the boat can travel (60 mph). They touched the life ring (then made a craft of one) and learned about life jackets. The highlight was climbing aboard and checking out the boat.

Danielle from Safe Kids of Northeast Florida presented the Safer 3 water safety program. We had a "guppy" character visit- thanks to a volunteer happy to wear the costume! The kids were engaged and did quite well answering whether the situation in the pictures on the screen were safe or unsafe to swim. Ask your child what they learned about water safety.

Campers continued to learn their parents' names, phone number and address. It is amazing to see their smiles after they learn all of the information and can repeat it. Please practice it with your child so they can have that mastered! Such important information. A song that we are using to help them learn the phone number is "Frera Jacques"... 9-0-4 then they echo "904", 5-5-5, then they echo "555", etc. but the end of the song ends with "Green means go". That will remind them to push the green button after the number on the cell phone.

I want to share with you about our Safety Town village. We can't wait for you to see it on Friday (11:00-11:30)! Safety Town has many buildings and then we tape out the roads and crosswalks where the students either practice 'motoring' and learning street signs or walking on streets. Everyday it changes to build on skills. Monday, the roadway was basically a big circle and then there was a crosswalk. Tuesday was parking lot day. Campers worked on parking their trikes, waiting for an 'adult' to walk them through the lot, and of course practiced walking across crosswalks. "Stop! Look! Listen!" and "left, right, left". Today the village added a T intersection and tomorrow they will work on a four way stop. The kids are getting good, but we want you to practice with your child on regular streets and at various situations. That will reinforce what they're learning and get them better at pedestrian skills!

We have been fortunate to have Deputy Sally at Safety Town all week! She is teaching various safety knowledge and works with the budding safety citizens at the Safety Town village. We hope that your child is gaining an appreciation of what our Sheriff's Deputies do in our community. We have had numerous Deputies stop through Safety Town to say "hi" to the campers. What great local heroes we have!

We are always excited to see your kids faces and see them grow in confidence in their friendship making skills and general safety skills! They will be ready for kindergarten!



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